Big Data Architecture Framework for Data Analysis and Processing in Ecosystem

Tools and methods for big data require unique techniques and tools. If you want to handle vast amounts of data and do complex calculations on this massive amount, significant technology and methods for managing data are required.

The big data ecosystem and its scope are the ones we’re talking about when talking about extensive data tools and techniques.

A solution suitable for all scenarios must be developed and implemented effectively per the business requirements. 

The solution for big data should be designed and implemented per the business’s requirements to meet the business’s requirements.

A reliable, extensive data system can be developed and maintained in such a way that it can be used to solve the issue.

In this article, we’ll look at Big Data Architecture and its structure for processing and analysis.

What Is Big Data Architecture?

Suppose you must ingest or process data in a way that is too large or complicated for traditional databases.

In that case, the best solution is to organize technology into an arrangement known as a big data architecture.

Multiple types of workloads are involved in Big Data systems. They are described in the following manner:

The mere process of batching data in which the significant data-based sources have been in a state of rest is a situation for data processing.

  • The real-time processing of significant information is possible using motion-based computing.
  • We are exploring the latest interactive technologies for big data and tools.
  • Machine training and analysis that is predictive.

Benefits Of Big Data Architecture

Let’s have a look at the benefits of big data architecture.

High-Performance Parallel Computation

The big data architecture employs the concept of parallel computing. This is where multiprocessor computers perform a variety of calculations simultaneously at all times to accelerate the procedure.

Massive data sets are handled quickly through parallelization with multiprocessor computers. Some of the tasks can be completed simultaneously.

Flexible Scaling

Big Data architectures can be extended horizontally to allow the system to be adapted to the requirements of tasks.

Big Data Solution Architecture is generally managed through cloud computing, meaning you are only charged for the storage and processing power you use.

The Freedom To Choose

Big Data structures can use various technologies and options available on the market, including Azure-managed services, MongoDB Atlas, and Apache technologies. Selecting the best mix of options to meet your particular needs or existing systems and technical expertise to obtain the most effective results is possible.

Ability To Work With Different System

Many big data architecture components for IoT processing and BI and analytics workflows can be integrated into platforms for various types of work.

Big Data Tools And Techniques

A tool for big data is classifiable into one of the following four categories according to its practicality.

Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)

A shared or loosely coupled storage of nothing is vastly processed in parallel to break up many computing devices into smaller pieces that operate accelerated.

An MPP-based system can also be called a shared or loosely coupled none system. Processing can be accomplished by breaking up many computer processors into individual bits and then processing them in parallel directions.

Each processor performs its assignments, uses a separate operating system, and doesn’t use the same memory. There is the possibility of at least 200 processors running applications connected to the high-speed network.

In every case, the processor can handle a distinct set of instructions and runs an operating system inaccessible to other processors. MPP could also communicate between the processes using an electronic messaging system to send instructions to processors.

The MPP-based databases include IBM Netezza, Oracle Exadata, Teradata, SAP HANA, and EMC Greenplum.

No-SQL Databases

Structures can be used to connect data to a specific field. The data can only be saved in a structured database if it first converts to one. SQL (or NoSQL) is a language with no structure that can be used to store unstructured data and build structures to accommodate heterogeneous data within the same field.

NoSQL databases can provide an extensive range of configuration options file, flexibility, and the ability to handle massive amounts of data. Additionally, there is distributed storage of data, which makes information accessible both locally and remotely.

NoSQL databases fall into the following types:

  • Key-value Pair Based
  • Graphics that are based
  • Column-oriented Graph
  • Document-oriented

Distributed Storage And Processing Tools

Distributed databases are an array of storage chunks distributed across computers in a network.

Data centers could contain their processing unit to process distributed databases. Distributed databases could be physically situated in the same place or distributed across an interconnected network of computers.

They are heterogeneous (having various versions of hardware and software) and homogeneous (having the exact software and hardware in every instance), in addition to being different and supported by other hardware.

The most popular big data processing and distribution platforms include Hadoop HDFS, Snowflake, Qubole, Apache Spark, Azure HDInsight, Azure Data Lake, and many others.

Cloud Computing Tools

Cloud Computing Tools refers to cloud computing, a network-based computing service that uses the internet’s development and other services.

The pool of shared, configurable computing resources that are accessible at all times, whenever, and wherever and are used by any network-based service.

This service is accessible for pay-per-use when needed and is offered by the supplier. This platform can be handy when handling massive quantities of documents.

Proposed Framework To Guide The Creation And Deployment Of Data Ecosystems

The framework concentrates on data and the process of storing, collecting, and processing it, as well as analyzing and displaying necessary for using the data.

But, in contrast to other frameworks, it is focused not just on the operations that affect the data itself but also on different management aspects.

These include materials and human resources, economic viability estimation of profit, types of analysis for data, business procedures re-engineering and indicator definition, and monitoring system performance.

Methodology Dimension

It is the primary aspect of the framework. Other dimensions include techniques, Big Data Architecture Tools, the best methods to support each stage, and associated activities and tasks.

It provides a practical guideline to manage a complete project duration by providing the necessary steps to create and implement extensive data systems.

The method comprises sections comprising ions, tasks that can be accomplished before the next phase can start.

The method can be used either in a waterfall fashion or sequentially for each step, phase, and task.

Additionally, it can be implemented in a loop, meaning that the project is broken down into sub projects that are executed in a waterfall fashion, each one being started once the prior one is concluded; for example, each subproject may be a specific piece of knowledge or even a device.

Data Architecture Dimension

The methodology dimension defines the software engineer’s actions in data analysis. How each step is completed in all phases and its relationship to other aspects that comprise the framework are outlined in the dimension of methodology.

The dimension of data architecture can be divided into various levels, ranging from identifying the data’s location and structure to presenting outcomes requested by an organization.

Organizational Dimension

The dimension of this is the specific characteristics and requirements of the company to supply information and process and use the data.

This is in addition to the various decisions the organization must make to adjust the system to meet its requirements.

However, an organization’s strategic plan must be evaluated, as the big data project must fit the company’s business plan. If the strategy is not aligned, the data obtained might not be as helpful because it can benefit an organization’s decision-making process.

To ensure alignment, the company should determine the goals the project aims to reach, the organization-related challenges involved, and its intended audience, including suppliers, customers, and employees.

Also, it is necessary to determine the general corporate change that it will undertake and the roles in business that are needed to use the power of big data technologies.

Support-Tools Dimension

This dimension consists of information-technology tools that support all sizes in the framework, facilitating the execution of the tasks in each dimension.

Tools may assist each task with specific features; for instance, some tools only suit particular functions. Some activities can be completed using or without the aid of tools.

Data Sources Dimension

Since the basis of all significant data ecosystems is the data itself, this data must be reliable and have value. This refers to the sources for the large-scale data processing ecosystems.

Big data technology can handle both structured and unstructured data (such as ERPs, relational databases, CRMs, and open data) and data from unstructured and semi-structured data (such as machines-generated log files such as social media transactions, sensor data, and GPS signals).

Goals are determined by the data available to an organization. To ensure maximum efficiency, organizations must identify the relevant data and its formats and sources and then perform, if necessary, the pre-processing of the raw data.


This article outlined the framework that can guide the creation and implementation of large data-based ecosystems.

Big Data Architecture Patterns have become a prominent topic within companies and have forced companies to address a variety of technology, business processing, and human resource challenges.

The proposed frameworks for big data address these issues in a well-organized manner. Frameworks are systems comprising multiple dimensions that are aligned and connected to support or contain something, such as developing and implementing a large data ecosystem.